A blue shield with a yellow cross on it

Grace Yellow House & Nursery - Monroe

Nursery - (318) 387-7510

Daycare & PK3 - (318) 322-5837

Grace Episcopal Day School

Grace Episcopal Yellow House - Monroe, LA

Episcopal Church

Grace Episcopal Yellow House

Grace Episcopal Yellow House - Monroe, LA

Six Weeks through 3 Years Old

What is Yellow House?

 Grace Episcopal Yellow House is open to children

 Six Weeks Old until ready for

Pre-Kindergarten 4

 We are open Year Round!

Our Hours are from 7:30am to 5:30pm Monday - Friday excluding holidays.

A little girl is playing with wooden blocks on a table.

We Have 4 Classes


(Ages 6 week to 12 months)

One Year Old Class

(12 months to 24 months)

Two-Year-Old Class

(24 months until the end of the school year)

Pre-Kindergarten 3 Class

(from 3 by September 30 until the end of the school year)

Learn More
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Yellow House Information

Car Line Information

Grace Episcopal Yellow House

Drop off times are from 7:30 - 9:00 AM and Pickup times are from 2:00 - 5:30 PM.

Parents park to deliver their child to the classroom and pick them up at the classroom.

We Care about your Child

Grace Yellow House was established over 30 years ago with the primary goal to provide a quality, caring, and safe environment that enhances the spiritual, social, physical, and developmental growth of each child. We have trained and qualified staff who are indeed caring, responsive, and committed to education with a deep concern for the wellbeing of our students.  From Playtime to Nap Time, your child will be well cared for.


Christian Environment

The Grace Episcopal Yellow House offers a safe church environment for your young child.

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